Up Close and Personal – An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Valentinos Demetriou was here before. You can read the article at:
Valentinos Demetriou Draws Cute Mini Monsters Everyday.

Hi Valentinos! Great to have you here. Could you please introduce yourself?
It’s an honour for having me here. My name is Valentinos, I am 29 years old and I am a full time animator. I finished my university degree in 3D Computer Animation in Swansea and then my Masters degree Digital Effects in NCCA Bournemouth University. I worked in various fields of 3D animation including architectural visualisation, vfx for movies and at the moment I am a motion designer in a production studio for advertising in my country doing motion graphics.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

How do you describe yourself?
Hmmmm that’s a tough question. I like everything that catches my attention and I want to try it. A new painting technique, a new diy project that seems interesting, a new sport, anything that catches my eye. I believe that I am a fun person to spend time with and be around. I am a bit eccentric and maybe that’s why I like art. I get bored easily, if there is nothing interesting going on at the moment. I always try to be as productive as possible so I can go to bed at night feeling that I accomplished something that day.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

Who do you admire the most in this life?
I admire a few people in my life and mostly the people who accept my eccentricities. Parents mostly, my brother and sister, my lovely girlfriend and my close friends. As far as artist goes, I pretty much admire everyone and not just artists that paint or draw since i believe that art has many different forms.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

When did you start the Blob monster art? And how did it begin?
I wanted to start a drawing challenge this year since I am a full-time animator and I kinda lost my connection with the traditional art world.

I had a big white blank wall in my apartment and I thought it would be a great idea if I filled the whole wall with little canvases, and from this concept, the whole daily BLOB challenge was born.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

Did you attend formal education in art or are you a self-taught artist?
I did not attend a drawing course before! I remember myself drawing since I was a little kid. Not just drawing, experimenting in general with lots of different materials not just paint or inks.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

How long did it takes to finish each artwork?
At the beginning of the year when I begun the Blob monsters were really simple and after the paint was dry it took about 10 minutes to finish them and then edit the video. Nowadays the Blob monsters take somewhere 20 to 30 minutes each and then edit the video. I improved my techniques and the details on the illustrations, I started cross hatching and adding more props to the blobs.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

Could you share a bit about your artwork creation process?
I leave my job at about 6-7 in the afternoon, I arrive at my house and I open a new canvas from the big box I ordered. I splash some paint randomly, the rule here is to use 2 basic colours.

At the beginning of the year this process was completely random, after a couple of months of doing this daily my imagination juices started flowing stronger and after a couple of brush stroke I have a basic idea of what the blob monster would louk like in the end.

When it dries overnight, I look at it right after I wake up and begin to imagine a blob monster and I start drawing it on the spot,while filming the process.

I start with a rought pencil sketch, then I ink it with a thin marker, third step is to use thick markers for any coloured parts like the black eyes, pink tongue or any other props that need colour. After this I use a calligraphy pen and ink for shadowing and creating textures on the blob monsters using crosshatching.

Final step which brings the Blob monster to life is using white or silver pen for highlights and reflections in the eyes.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

Could you let us know the tools you use to create the Blob monster?
Nothing specific really. It took me a while to figure out what pens and what inks were good for me, its just experimenting until you find a pen you like I guess.

For example I have about 20 different white pens that I am not going to use at the moment, its different pens and brands that I was buying at the beginning until I found one that I like using. Same thing happened with the nibs of the calligraphy pen.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

We really love the Blob monsters. They look as if each of them have their own personalities. Do you have any favorite that you love most?
Hmmmmm… ALL OF THEM! I like all of them and each one of them I can tell exactly what I was thinking the day I drew it or who the inspiration was. I cant choose between them, I let the people who like my work to decide which one is their favourite.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

Do you need any booster to catch the ideas? Like coffee or maybe meditation?
I drink coffee and meditate actually AFTER I create the blob monster each day. I guess because I am half asleep that I am still half dreaming and my imagination doesn’t have any “logical” obstacles that we put to ourselves everyday.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

Do you have any video to share with us?
Actually I have A LOT of videos. Each Blob monster is being filmed and then I create a quick time lapse of it and upload it on youtube so people can check how it came to life. The channel is called Mental Art.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

Any messages and tips to share with fellow illustrators?
Just keep drawing. I used to be afraid to try new things or techniques because I was afraid that people might not like it. However, someone told me “sketchbooks are meant only for you to try things and experiment, no one is going to see them or comment on them, so start using them properly”, and I am afraid I don’t remember who told me that, but this is what I am doing. I keep drawing and you improve when you make mistakes. Even for 10 minutes a day, you will improve.

Up Close and Personal - An Interview With Valentinos Demetriou

Image credit: Valentinos Demetriou

That’s our up close and personal moment with Valentinos Demetriou.

You can catch up with him at Instagram and YouTube.

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