Now it seems like it is getting easier to find free stock photos.
A new free stock photo website, or have came to join the list. To clear up confusion, both domains are directed to the same website.
From the domain name, you should pretty much understand what it offer, $0 price tag for any photos downloaded.
As the other three previous websites, FFCU also offer Creative Commons 0 or CC0 license, which means free public domain photos that you can use anyway you like, either for personal or commercial use. Though it is always appreciated, but no attribution is required.
And who said free stock photography comes with bad quality images? Recently, a lot of them have collections of beautifully high quality photos which you can download in a few seconds. Free for commercial use offer hi resolution 300dpi photos.
Just take a look at some of the following photo collection.
To date, it already contains 1.000 free stock photos with a variety of categories such as: business, food & drink, kids, nature, seasonal, sport, technic, the alps, transport and urban.
So, if you are working on a budget-tight project, is a way to go.
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Wasabee is a content editor, digital marketer and art enthusiast. He is also a jazz and bossa lover.